Previous PG&E Projects


“Safe Driving at The Geysers”  Produced with Nacho Perez (Geysers safety director) and John Jordan (Corporate Training), and using Bob Bondurant (race care driver) as host.  At the time, driving accidents were peaking at the Geysers, and this video was a part of a successful year long campaign to reduce vehicle accidents.


Mountain Driving Techniques at The Geysers”  This was a follow-on to the previous driver training video, which took into account the unique driving challenges of winding, mountain roads at the Geysers, particularly while driving to and from work.


“Helicopter Line Patrol Training and Techniques”  This video covered all the main issues of interest while patrolling power lines, with safety as the main emphasis.  The video covered the lines from Fulton Substation, to the Geysers, to Vacaville, including the 500 kV lines in the Sacramento Valley.


“Power Control - Operator Training & Orientation”  The program covered operations inside the power control room in San Francisco, and the nature of the power grid and the basics of how it is configured and controlled.  This was both an employee orientation, and a public information video.


“Hydroelectric Power Generation”  This video was done in the same time frame as the Power Control Operator Training & Orientation Video, and covered the Pitt River hydroelectric system.  The video covered details of the operation of power plants, and gave an overview of the hydroelectric system in general, including numerous helicopter aerials and graphic illustrations of the entire hydroelectric system.


“Fossil Fuel Power Generation”  This program was shot at PG&E’s Pittsburg power plant, and gave detail on how power generation is performed at a petroleum electric generation facility.  It was designed for employee orientation and training.


“Redwood Focus”  This was a two year contract to produce a monthly video newsmagazine for PG&E employees in the Redwood Region, and covered stories of interest in the PG&E system from Eureka, to the Geysers, to Vallejo, and all over Redwood Region.