CD/DVD Authoring Questions
Only your name and E-mail address are required. However, the more information you provide, the better we can estimate the cost and timeline for your project.
Name: * E-mail: *
Company: Telephone: Ext.
What type of project do you want quoted?: CD-ROM DVD Not sure
If your project is a CD-ROM, what operating system do you want it to run on? Windows Macintosh Both (cross platform)
Select the media types you will want to include:
Video Text files Graphics Audio Adobe Acrobat Web pages Flash Computer programs (executables)
Other media type (brief description):
We can provide fast turnaround for your project. How soon do you anticipate needing the project completed?: Please Select Help - Emergency! ASAP 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months Over 3 Months Undecided
Please select the level of programming (interactive) complexity you think your project will need. For example, a simple CD will auto-run a single file when the disk is inserted. A moderately complex program will have multiple files, and an interactive interface for navigation. A complex CD can have custom programmed utilities, web interaction, security measures, database access, numerous files of mixed origin and an elaborately designed graphical interface.
Simple Moderate (multiple files) Advanced (multiple files and file types, complex interactivity Complex (elaborate interface, custom features)
Please provide any other information that you think is important to your project:
If you are interesting authoring services only, you can submit the form now.
Disk Duplication Questions
What size will your disk be (CD-ROM question only) "Business Card" Full size Custom shape
How many total minutes of video will your DVD have (DVD question only) Please Select Less than 30 30 to 60 60 to 90 90 to 2 hrs. More than 2 hrs.
How many duplicates do you anticipate needing?: Please Select Less than 100 100 to 500 500 to 1000 1000 to 3000 More than 3000 Pick the best description for your packaging: Please Select Paper Sleeve Plastic Case Custom (Presentation Case, etc.)
Will you need print inserts for your packaging, or will a text imprint on the face of the disk be sufficient? Face imprint only. Printed inserts
How many colors will you need on the CD face or printed materials?: Please Select Single Color Two Color Four Color
Are there any other special instructions or considerations?: